Meet Michael Hoover, PsyD, BCBA
Licensed Educational Psychologist
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Meet Michael Hoover, PsyD, BCBA
Licensed Educational Psychologist & Board Certified Behavior Analyst
My goal is to help families understand their children’s functioning.
I strive to bring parents the knowledge and confidence they need to advocate for success.
I am a Licensed Educational Psychologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst. I have practiced in public schools since 2010 as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist with a Pupil Personnel Services Credential.
I have extensive experience evaluating specific learning disorder, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, anxiety, depression, and special education eligibility. Drawing from my experience in psychoeducational assessment and applied behavior analysis, I identify needs and barriers in order to promote meaningful intervention.
I work collaboratively with families, teachers, practitioners, and IEP teams to ensure data-informed decisions result in a comprehensive plan to support your child.
Michael Hoover, PsyD, BCBA
Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP #3949)
California Board of Behavioral Sciences
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA #1-13-13380)
Behavior Analyst Certification Board
Nationally Certified School Psychologist (NCSP #40649)
National Association of School Psychologists
Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing